Pregnancy & sciatica.
Not all cases of pregnancy sciatica have to end in pain!
Quite often we are told that the sciatic pain we experience is linked to the baby putting direct pressure on the sciatic nerve. Thankfully, a lot of the time this is actually not the case.
During the course of pregnancy it is completely normal for your body to become tired as your baby grows, especially the hips. As the bub and the belly grow and the body shifts and changes, the glutes and supporting fascial network for the hips become tired and overworked. This network of hip support stop working to their potential, causing the muscles in the lower back to take over and ‘over-engage’ to support the spine instead.
This results in excess pressure and compression on the spine and associated nerves in the lower back, causing achey back pain & sciatica. A gentle hip re-alignment and fascial work can help strengthen the hips and relieve nerve pain….carrying your baby to full term can be a much more peaceful experience.