Yes, we do hold emotion in our fascial system.
Our insanely intelligent bodies have the ability to ‘remember’ or ‘store’ our emotions, absorbed through the soft tissue, in particular our fascia. The fascia is our specialised connective tissue that surrounds and connects all our muscles, blood vessels, nerves and organs in the body. It’s one of the richest sensory organs in our body, containing 10 times more pain receptors than our muscles; there isn’t a single cell in our body that isn’t connected to fascia!
Restrictions to the fascia cause restrictions to blood flow, organ function, and pressure on our nervous system causing pain and discomfort. Because we tend to live life in the busy lane, we are in a constant state of high pressure, subject to stressful situations. This sustained stress and ‘fight or flight’ response causes our fascia to ‘freeze’ and stiffen (similar to the stiffness after overuse and holding certain postures for extended periods of time).
In a way, the physical body really is a wonderful storyteller of what is happening for us emotionally. The body never lies!
Massage, fascial release, yoga, meditation and deep breathing are all really helpful in managing stress, removing stuck emotions, managing pain, and optimising our body’s natural energy flow.