Manual Therapy Specialist in Women’s Pelvic, Fertility & Scar Health.
A great deal of illness and dysfunction are a result of restricted blood flow.
A great deal of blood flow issues are a result of tissue restrictions.
Blood flow delivers nutrients and oxygen to working tissue and organs, removing waste.
No blood in means no waste product out.
No waste out means stagnation and inflammation.
This directly results in toxicity and disease.
All of our ‘Bodywork’ here at BodyEase endeavours to open up tissue restrictions and adhesions in our fascia/connective tissue.
Our fascia houses our lymphatic system, which is the body’s sewerage and waste removal system; responsible for removing cell waste, inflammation and toxic waste from our body’s tissues and organs.
Tension in our fascia causes stagnation within our lymph vessels and poor circulation to our functioning tissue and organs; resulting in less oxygen and nutrients being delivered to our body’s cells.
This creates energetic blockages in our meridians and results in oxygen and nutrient-deprived tissue, resulting in discomfort, pain and disease.
Alleviating tissue restrictions and normalising blood flow with hands on bodywork is extremely helpful in the healing of the following:
- Fertility issues (as a result of scarring - c-section, endometriosis & adenomyosis)
- Abdominal scar rehab
- Endometriosis & Adenomyosis (pain and cycle disruptions)
- Cyst pain- hormonal, ovarian & breast
- Liver inflammation & dysfunction
- Bowel inflammation
- Perimenopause/menopause symptoms (deep lymphatic work)
- Period pain & cycle abnormalities
- Post surgical scar rehab (mastectomy and abdominal scarring)
- Recurring joint inflammation and systemic inflammatory issues
- Systemic toxicity
- Organ toxicity
- A ‘sluggish’ system
- Post-viral fatigue and pain (deep lymphatic work)
- Hip imbalance
- Acute and chronic pain/injury issues
- Pregnancy pain management
- Postpartum care (hip alignment & deep visceral organ work to support recovery and function)
- Mystery pain and issues following surgery
If you are curious about whether or not this kind of work is for you, please reach out and send us an email.
Alternatively, book in an ‘Initial Consultation’ through our bookings page.
We offer massage therapy which is a wonderful combination with bodywork. Follow the below link to find out more about our therapists and what we offer.